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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Libya Seeks U.S. Technology, Partnerships

Phoenicia Group Libya LLC, the U.S.-Libyan risk management and business services firm, today announced a two-year cooperation and partnership agreement with the Libya-based Environment Friend's Association(EFA), which is identified as a non-governmental organization concerned with safeguarding and preserving Libya's environment.

The Environment Friend's Association, an affiliate of the Gaddafi Development Foundation, is a non governmental organization formed in 1999 for the purpose of "enhancing awareness of the need in safeguarding Libya'senvironment for the benefit of future generations."

The memorandum of understanding was signed by Ryad Sunusi, president & CEO of Phoenicia Group, and Ahmed Abdul Hak, chairman of the EnvironmentFriend's Association, at EFA'S Sebha headquarters.

The agreement outlined an agenda of coordinated cooperation and thefacilitation of the exchange of technology, information, and expertise between U.S. and Libyan energy and environment-related organizations, companies, NGOs, research bodies, and academics.

"Environmental protection is an extremely important topic in Libya and one with global social, economic, and political concerns, and an issuewhich the Libyan authorities are taking seriously. Strategic plans andregulations are being implemented to adopt a sustainable and eco-friendlyapproach in line with the rapid industrial and economic expansion," says Ryad Sunusi.

The agreement between Phoenicia Group and the Environment Friend'sAssociation also involves the joint organization of energy and environmentfocused forums, conferences, seminars, and workshops in Libya, as well asseats on the Libyan Energy Council, which acts on an advisory capacity to the General People's Committee of Environment.

"We will be working with U.S. companies and institutions in the fields of Oil, Gas, Power, Water, and Renewable Energy; as Libya develops andupgrades its energy infrastructure a desire for cleaner and more efficientenergy utilization comes with it, and U.S. companies will have a big roleto play in this field," he adds.

Libya is looking towards the U.S. for advanced technology and training, following the re-establishment of U.S.-Libya ties in 2004.

"U.S. companies involved in pollution control, waste management, environmental cleanup projects, desalination, advanced computer systems andsoftware applications, and renewable energy such as solar, nuclear, andwind energy are actively sought for partnership and dialogue," says Taha Esseid, chief operating officer and vice president of finance, Phoenicia Group.


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