Newsweek: The Race is On

Newsweek Senior Editor and columnist Jonathan Alter explores whether America is ready for a historic first in the White House in 2008: the first woman president or the first black president -- New York Sen. Hillary Clinton or Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.
Alter speaks to Obama about his prospects for the presidency, his leading rival for the nomination and post-baby-boom politics.
According to a new Newsweek poll, 86 percent of those polled say that if their party nominated a woman for president, they would vote for her if she were qualified for the job. When Americans were asked if their party nominated an African-American for president if they would vote for that person, 93 percent said yes, they would.
If the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 2008 comes down to a choice between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, 50 percent of those polled saythey would most like to see Clinton nominated; 32 percent would like to see Obama nominated.
CONVENTIONAL WISDOM: "Cultural Learnings of America: 2006 Edition" (p.27). Newsweek reviews the year with an irreverent look at the major playersof 2006. Among the winners of up arrows are congressional Democrats, Obama, George H.W. Bush and Sacha Baron Cohen.
Receiving down arrows arePresident Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Vladimir Putin and Mel Gibson.
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