Amnesty International: New Iraq Policy Should Emphasize Accountability

Human rights organization Amnesty International says the new U.S. strategy for involvement in Iraq should stress greater accountability for all parties.
President Bush is set tonight to announce a new strategy in a televised address. The war in Iraq has claimed the lives of more than 3,000 U.S. troops and has caused Bush's popularity to plummet to low levels. Displeasure with progress in Iraq was one reason voters elected Democrats to lead the new Congress which opened last week.
"Amnesty International has documented and condemned the abuses under Saddam Hussein
and violations by U.S.-led Multinational Forces, armed groups and the Iraqi
government," says Amnesty International USA Executive Director Larry Cox.
"As the President and Congress contemplate a new direction for the U.S. approach to its Iraq policy, let them not forget the lessons from Abu Ghraib and other incidents of shame," he adds. "Redress of past violations, adherence to international standards for the application of justice and rule of law, accountability for abuses by all parties and protection of the civilian population must be the cornerstones of any new way forward."
Abu Ghraib was an American prison in Iraq where abuse was found at the hands of U.S. service personnel.
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