Focus on e-Waste Disposal Grows

The emerging area of electronic waste (e-waste) recovery is attracting increasing attention as governments of several developed countries issue directives to address the environmental hazards posed by existing methods to dispose waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), according to a market research firm.
Conventional methods, such as disposal in landfills and incineration, are both potentially damaging to the environment due to the leaching and emission of certain toxic substances, respectively. However, in an effort to protectthe environment and to establish sustainable electronics manufacturing, theconcept of electronics waste recovery is gaining prominence.
There is also more interest shown by major electronics manufacturers in electronicsrecycling as part of their corporate social responsibility initiatives.
"It is important for recyclers to anticipate the adaptations they mightneed to make to their processes in the next few years, as the incomingcomposition of e-waste is bound to change as well as develop secondarymarkets for the materials recovered," notes Frost & Sullivan research analyst Hari Ramamoorthy.
Highlights of the briefing include advancements, emerging trends, drivers and challenges affecting the electronics recycling industry. It focuses on examining the growth drivers and the immediate technologychallenges faced by the electronics recycling industry, which drives theelectronic recycling markets. It also provides information of majorcorporate and academic institutions involved in the development of advancedrecycling technologies.
To participate, please email Trisha Bradley at with the following information: your full name, company name, title,telephone number, email address, city, state, and country. Upon receipt ofthe above information, a registration link will be emailed to you.
This briefing will benefit electronic recyclers, recycling equipmentmanufacturers, electrical & electronic equipment manufacturers, corporatesocial responsibility groups of electronic companies and researchers bydiscussing emerging trends, applications and research directions in theElectronics Recycling Industry.
"Directives such as WEEE and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) have firmly placed the responsibility on electronic equipment manufacturersto adopt design concepts with end-of-life recycling in mind," says Ramamoorthy.
The best way to dispose of e-waste is to use technology, which approaches being a universal solvent. Such a solvent would reduce anything to its basic component atoms.
Plasma gasification, which operates at temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun, reduces organics in waste to their basic molecular structure, forming a fuel or synthesis gas. Inorganics are melted into an inert, unleachable glassy slag, which is suitable for road building.
The plasma gasifier reactors are large enough to take pc's, monitors and keyboards without disassembly, and reduce them to fuel gas and slag without being touched by human hands. Nothing is left to bury.
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