Kucinich: Bush Setting Stage for Wide War

President Bush's announced plans to send further U.S. troops to Iraq is an inducation Bush appears to be setting the stage for a wider war in the region, according to U.S. Rep Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).
"He has blamed Iran for attacks on America," Kucinich says of Bush. " The president is vowing to disrupt Iran. He is going to add an aircraft carrier to the shores offthe coast of Iran. He has promised to give Patriot missiles to 'our friend sand allies.' Isn't one war enough for this president? It is time the media and the Congress began to pay attention to this president when he talks aggressively about Iran and Syria."
Kucinich was an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.
Bush named Iran, as well as Iraq and North Korea as members of the "Axis of Evil."
Iran is developing a nuclear capability it says is for peaceful energy production. Others say it is developing atomic weapons.
Kucinich this week announced a 12-point plan to withdraw troops from Iraq, establish an international security and peacekeeping force under the auspices of the United Nations, and take steps to begin the political reconciliation process, shore up Iraq's economy, re-start reconstruction efforts, and institute reparations for Iraqis.
"It is imperative that Congress step up to its constitutional responsibility to restrain this abuse of executive authority by notifying the president that we will no longer agree to fund the war in Iraq," the congressman says. "The supplemental budget request of up to $100 billion would enable the president not only to continue the war against Iraq through the end of his term. It would give him the resources to attack Iran, in the name of defending Iraq and the region.
"In Iraq, his new plan is a plan for more door-to-door fighting, more civil war, more civilian casualties, more troop deaths, more wasted money, more destabilization in the region and more separation from the world community," Kucinich adds. "The President wants to send more troops to Baghdad, where theywill work to quell a civil war. Only a small portion -- less than 20 percent -- of the new effort will be spent in al Anbar, to fight al-Qaeda. Does anyone in this administration have any sense left at all? They are sending more US troops into the middle of a civil war!"
Congress needs to take the necessary steps to bring home U.S. troops, Kucinich says.
"We need to begin talks with Iran and Syria -- and not blame them for our misguided war in Iraq. Diplomacy isthe only way to avoid a widening war. If we follow the president's path ofwar, we will get . . . more war."
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Labels: Bush, Democrats, Iran, Kucinich, nuclear, Syria, troops, war, White House
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