Online Consumers Are Re-Energizing the Music Industry

Digital music consumers listen to more music, enjoy more new music, talk more about music and attend more concerts, according to a survey released today by the Digital Media Association (DiMA).
Nearly 60 percent of online music consumers report that they are listening to more music since they started using an online service. The 1,008 consumers surveyed enjoy Internet radio, subscription music services,and pay-per-download music services, including AOL Radio, Yahoo! Music, iTunes, Rhapsody, Zune, Urge, Napster, Pandora, Live365 and others.
The vast majority of online music service users report that enjoying music over the Internet has expanded their musical tastes, allowing them to discover new artists and explore new music genres. About 25 percent reported having discovered a lot of new artists, while more than 60 percentof consumers surveyed say they have discovered some new artists. Nearly 7 in 10 online music consumers are enjoying new genres of music since listening to online music services.
According to the survey, online music listening has increased music fans' overall music discussion with friends and co-workers, with more than 35 percent now talking about music more. And, more than 75 percent of online music consumers report they have recommended a particular service to a friend or co-worker.
The survey also found that listening to and purchasing music over theInternet increases concert attendance. A full 15 percent of online music fans say they now attend more concerts.
"These findings demonstrate that real music fans -- and today's music tastemakers -- are online," says DiMA Executive Director Jonathan Potter. "This makes the 2006 holiday sales jump in music devices and sound recordings exponentially more important to artists, songwriters, producersand music publishers, as online music's impact extends way beyond immediate revenues. Consumers of innovative online music services are reviving themusic economy as they enjoy more music and more new music in every way possible, and most importantly, as they introduce their friends to the music and online services they enjoy."
The survey reports that about half of digital music fans are spendingmore than $200 per year on music, and nearly 30 percent are spending morethan $300. "Prior to the digital age, someone who purchased six CDs per year -- valued at just over $100 -- was considered a significant music consumer," says Potter. "Online music consumers' spending habits, combined with what they are doing to promote and expand music enjoyment, is great for the entire music industry -- artists, songwriters and producers."
The survey was conducted online by InsightExpress. Some 1,008 survey participants were randomly recruited over a five day period and according to targeted sampling guidelines.
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